Veeam Backup License File Location

  • The FREE standalone Veeam® Agent for Microsoft Windows provides a simple solution for backing up Windows-based desktops, laptops and tablets With Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows FREE. So, you can easily back up your computer to an external hard drive, network-attached storage (NAS) share or a Veeam Backup & Replication™ repository.
  • AFAIK license key is not stored as a file on the backup server, so try to log in to your user profile at and download it from there. We have a dedicated page for all your previously generated license keys.

Change from a higher product tier to a lower product tier, if applicable. A penalty or fee may be charged for downgrading. These are only offered for perpetual licenses. For instance, if a Customer is on a socket-based perpetual Veeam Backup & Replication license and downgrading to Veeam Backup Essentials license, a downgrade SKU is required.

To view license details:

  1. Sign in to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager using an account with the Portal Administrator role.
  2. To open the Configuration view, click Configuration in the top right corner.
  3. In the Configuration view, open the Licensing section.

In the Summary view of the Licensing section, you can find information about the license edition, license state and a spreadsheet of the available and used instances per each type of protected workloads: virtual machines, physical servers and workstations, cloud machines, applications and file shares.

Veeam Backup License File Location

Each type of workloads processed by Veeam Backup & Replication consumes a specific number of instances in the license. For more information on Veeam licensing, see Veeam Licensing Policy.


You can configure Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager to send notifications if your license expires. For more information on the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager notification functionality, see the Configuring Notification Settings section of this guide.


Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager does not display information about instances consumed in the Veeam Cloud Connect service provider license by tenant workloads. This information is available only in the Veeam backup console on the Veeam backup server of the service provider. For more information, see the Licensing for Service Providers section of the Veeam Cloud Connect Guide.

To display detailed information about the current license, including license type, expiration date and the number of instances, click the Details link.



You can also view detailed information about current license usage. To do this, click the Report link.

I received the licenses I recently ordered. For clarity I chose first to merge my existing license files with te new one. The name that came out for the new licensefile was 'veeam_backup_full_downgrade_xxx' (xxx=my # of licenses).
XXX = ok, it reflects the correct number. What is worrying me is the 'downgrade'.
What happens here, is it a flaw in the name creation or do I really downgrade my license when I apply the licensefile? Obvious, I am reluctant in applying the license right now..
thanks for any advice,

Veeam Backup License File Location Florida


Veeam File Level Backup


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